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Please help us find and identify those students whose lives

could improve with the gift of a free computer at home…

Free Computers: Computer Smiles will donate free desktop computers to qualified students within your school, school district or organization. The school principal, counselors or teachers can decide who is most in need of a home computer and who would benefit the most. Computer Smiles would like to help those students with scholastic abilities and potential but whose families may be underprivileged or disadvantaged and unable to buy a computer. 


We prioritize students who are most in need and whose lives would benefit the most from having a computer. If you’re a teacher and you have students in your classroom who have scholastic abilities but who don’t have access to a computer at home, Computer Smiles can help! Contact Us to put in a request. We will provide information on getting low cost Internet service in the student’s home and will provide a free computer for the student. In addition, we guarantee that the computer will work properly through the child’s high school graduation. If the computer breaks down before then, we repair or replace the computer for free.


Low Cost Internet: A working internet connection is essential and must be installed in the home prior to receiving the computer. Students who participate in school lunch programs are already pre-qualified to receive assistance from your local cable company for low cost ($10/month) home internet and Wi-fi service. Go onto website to make the arrangements. A suitable computer desk, table or workspace should be ready if possible, and located near the router.

Computer Smiles will deliver and set up the computer in the home.  

For information that you can read, print out, and share with other teachers

See these helpful PDF instructions below:

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